Sunday, 1 May 2016

My goals for term two 
  • My first goal is to get a one in science, I will achieve this by finishing more.
  • My second goal is to be better at spelling,I will achieve this by focusing on it more. 
  • My third goal is to get better on the computer, I will achieve this by asking more questions.  


  1. Hi George
    I really liked your goals but for you first one you said you wanted to finish more in science what did you want to finish. e.g
    turn in my work faster
    Thanks Daniel

  2. Hi George
    Well done on your term 2 goals I really liked your goals and you also explained how you were going to achieve them very well. Best of luck achieving your goals and come checkout my blog at

  3. Great goals george. Maybe just go into more depth on how you're going to achieve them. Come and check out my blog
